Model 4105L
Geotechnical Marine Corp.
has developed, patented and is the sole manufacturer of the
Hydro-Cartridges® storm drain filtration system.Whether it is from average rainfall, accidental spill or an illicit
dumping of hydrocarbons, our unique design protects you in every case,
allowing you to meet or surpass NPDES requirements. Municipalities make
the Hydro-Cartridges® storm drain filtration system part of their
over-all stormwater pollution prevention plan.
Our goal is simple: minimizing your exposure to non-point source
pollution using the stormwater filter.
Browse through our site and familiarize yourself with our filtration
system so together we can begin protecting our environment one storm
drain at a time.
The filter at right
shows the basic principle of its simple yet most effective design. The
catch basin insert is
a funnel inside of a bucket that works full of water. This design allows
hydrocarbons to float
and to be captured and sediments to remain at the
bottom. |